Historic Shopping and Dining

Latta Arcade and Brevard Court

Outdoor view of Latta Arcade and Brevard Court with restaurants, blue awnings, people walking, and urban backdrop.
Outdoor view of Latta Arcade and Brevard Court. Image source: Shutterstock


Latta Arcade and Brevard Court, nestled in the heart of Charlotte, North Carolina, is a historic and vibrant destination that seamlessly blends the charm of the past with modern urban flair. The Latta Arcade, a centerpiece of this area, stands as a testament to early 20th-century architecture. Built in 1914, this elegant two-story structure features a stunning glass-roofed atrium, allowing natural light to illuminate its intricate details. The ground floor is lined with a diverse array of boutique shops and eateries, inviting visitors to explore and enjoy. The second floor, primarily consisting of office spaces, overlooks the bustling activity below, offering a unique blend of commercial vitality and historical ambiance.

Many reviewers mention the enjoyable experience of dining and shopping in the area, with a variety of eateries and unique stores to explore. The vibrant, high-energy atmosphere of the area, particularly around the pubs and outdoor seating spaces, is a highlight for many. However, the bustling nature of the place may not be ideal for children due to the dense crowds.

In summary, Latta Arcade and Brevard Court offer a delightful experience that combines history, architecture, shopping, and dining in the heart of Charlotte. They serve as charming reminders of the city's past while contributing vibrantly to its present, making them must-visit destinations for anyone exploring Charlotte's downtown.

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